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Umrah 1443AH

10 Days


Umrah refers to a voluntary pilgrimage to Makkah, the city where Prophet Muhammad was born, and the holy teachings of the Quran were first revealed. An Umrah trip, though it is not considered compulsory according to the faith, is highly recommended and needs a lot of planning. Here are the most important things you would need for Umrah at a glance.

Umrah Preparation for key rituals

In Arabic, the word Umrah means ‘visiting a populated space.’ It provides pilgrims with an opportunity to seek forgiveness from Allah and offers them a chance to reaffirm their faith in the almighty. During the Umrah trip, worshippers perform four main rituals that include:

  • Ihram – Cleansing to attain physical purity before starting the journey
  • Tawaf – Circling the Holy Kaaba seven times to show devotion to the almighty
  • Sai – Walking back and forth between Marwa and Safa
  • Halq – Shaving or clipping the hair

All of the above rituals can be completed in just a few hours.

Ideal Season to plan Umrah trip

Umrah can be performed at any time of year but sometimes Umrah becomes an obligatory act, and thus becomes timebound. To know more about this, it is important to understand the types of Umrah.

A lot of pilgrims choose to perform Umrah during the holy month of Ramadan or in the sacred months following Muharram and Safar as these times are considered more rewarding. Many pilgrims also plan Umrah trip in December because in this month the weather is pleasing and the mosque is crowd-free.

Reaching the House of Allah in Makkah

Jeddah to Makkah: For those going on an Umrah trip, it is essential to note that Makkah does not have its own airport. Flights are available to Jeddah. Pilgrims arrive at King Abdulaziz International Airport (JED/OEJN), situated 95km west of Makkah. One can reach Makkah from Jeddah via taxi

How to book flights: The Saudi government does not allow international pilgrims to book flights on their own. Instead, you need to contact the agency  authorized by the Saudi government to chalk out your Umrah plan. we will also receive you at the airport and arrange your lodgings.

Makkah from Jeddah port Besides flying, pilgrims can also take a boat ride from the East African coast to the port city of Jeddah. From there, the drive to Makkah is only 45 to 60 minutes long. Further, pilgrims who are Saudi or GCC citizens do not need any special permit to go for Umrah. Such people can travel in their own vehicles or rent cars or hire taxis to go for the pilgrimage.

Local Transport in Makkah city

Getting around in Makkah is fairly simple and easy. The city has an efficient public transportation system that gets you to your destination in no time. Here are some means of travelling that can be used by pilgrims during their Umrah trip.

Bus – Makkah has an efficient network of public buses and privately-owned microbuses that operate around the mosque routes. The fares for both these means of transportation are reasonable.

Taxi – Finding a taxi is easy in Makkah. Taxis are the most convenient and widely used means of transport, but they also have very high fares.


Cars – Renting a car is another option to get around the city as Makkah has a well-built network of roads. Also, there are signboards in Arabic and English at every turn that make it easy for people to reach their destinations.

By Foot – If you are in Makkah for an Umrah trip, then you can consider walking to your destinations as a means to get around the place. Doing so will help you in avoiding congestion on roads and streets.

Where to stay during Umrah?

The next step in how to plan Umrah trip guide is to find a suitable place for lodging. In the holy city of Makkah, there are several luxurious and economic hotels that are located near the Al-haram mosque. The best ones include, Pullman Zamzam, Jabal Omar Hyatt Regency, Hotel Al-Islam, and Swissotel Al Maqam. Besides 5-rated hotels, there are budget accommodations as well. Pilgrims can choose from standard hotels to serviced apartments based on their budget.

Note: Most of the accommodations are booked in advance for Hajj season and Ramadan.


How to prepare for Umrah?

An important part of an Umrah plan is preparing for the spiritual journey. You need to have an essentials packing guide, a list of things to do before Umrah, and mental preparation for the Umrah journey.

Additionally, one must be aware of the latest regulations with respect to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Pilgrims must carry their vaccination certificates at all times during the Umrah trip.

Umrah Trip Cost

Umrah trip cost is dependent on the starting and end points of the journey. The cost of staying in Makkah city, along with meals can vary depending on the choice of hotel and dining options. Top hotels near the Haram in Makkah cost around SAR 350 to SAR 500 a room per night. Standard hotel tariffs are significantly lesser, starting from SAR 150. Below SAR 100, pilgrims can opt for budget accommodation near Al Nabawi mosque. Most hotels offer complimentary breakfast and have onsite cafes and restaurants for lunch and dinner meals. Therefore, exact Umrah tour price is variable and can be managed according to different budgets.

Must Read: Tracing The History Of Masjid-e Nabawi: The Prophet’s Mosque

An Umrah trip acknowledges the merciful Allah and purifies the heart, mind, body, and soul of humans from the sins of the past. However, for some it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Hence, a well-thought Umrah plan  is crucial to make the most of it. If you think there’s an aspect of this holy pilgrimage that we have missed out, tell us in the comments below, and we will try to address it.

How to plan Umrah Trip FAQs

What is Umrah?

Umrah is a non-obligatory yet essential pilgrimage to Makkah, and it is done to ask forgiveness from Allah for the sins committed in life.

What are the rites and rituals performed for Umrah?

There are four major rituals performed by a pilgrim during Umrah: Ihram, Tawaf, Saee, and Halq.

What is the ideal season to perform Umrah Trip?

The most beneficial months to perform Umrah are Ramadan, or in the holy months following Safar and Muharram.

How to prepare for Umrah?

Besides following packing guide, the pilgrims should understand the spiritual importance of the pilgrimage. Therefore, pilgrims must prepare themselves mentally and spiritually. In addition, as the world is fighting from COVID-19, pilgrims must carry their vaccination certificates at all times.

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Umrah 1443AH
From $ 1,800,000
/ Adult